Abstract Photo 3340 Despertar Abrupto - Abrupt Awakening

Abstract Photo 3340  Despertar Abrupto - Abrupt Awakening

Abstract Photo 3340  Despertar Abrupto - Abrupt Awakening

Abstract Photo 3340  Despertar Abrupto - Abrupt Awakening


geanina ha dicho que…
fantastic colors!
alp ha dicho que…
El colorido de la primera foto es especial, muy bonito..un saludo desde Murcia.
TexWisGirl ha dicho que…
i really like the brown version!
Liplatus ha dicho que…
Like candy, sweet.
A Colorful World ha dicho que…
The color is so rich in this and perfect light. I really love the first one!
Cristina Deboni ha dicho que…
Bella forma e colori! complimenti Leovi! ciao Cri : )
Juncal ha dicho que…

Manjares dulces a la luz de la aurora y recién salidos del horno artesano. Rebanada de pan con miel, tiernas madalenas, cake y bollería glaseada. Le doy vuelta a la taza y ...
Fantástico despertar, yo diría, Leovi.

Pantherka ha dicho que…
Very interesting and beautiful.
HansHB ha dicho que…
Wonderful B&W abstract!
Dragonstar ha dicho que…
It looks sharp - not a comfortable awakening!
sunshine ha dicho que…
Stunning forms and fantastic colors.
Esmeralda ha dicho que…
Perfectas llamas de fuego ... un color mu atractivo

Ida ha dicho que…
Very pretty colors. I know this might sound weird but it remind me of candied or pickled beets.
Leovi ha dicho que…
Juncal esta bollería tiene afiladas aristas.
Su-sieee! Mac ha dicho que…
Silence then a scream of rushing blood comes to mind....Leovi, you and your work are amazing. :-)
Cloudia ha dicho que…
I see it

ALOHA from Honolulu
RobertN ha dicho que…
Beautiful composition.
Carmela ha dicho que…
Un asomarse al vacío. Precioso tono, Leovi. Besos.
Villrose ha dicho que…
Tough - but an implied beauty
LV ha dicho que…
You know sooner or later, I will show up. I do enjoy seeing what you design.
Kathe W. ha dicho que…
a sharp awakening indeed! Lovely colors!
bellefrogworks ha dicho que…
There is so much to see in this beautiful abstract piece - really well done!
Unknown ha dicho que…
Love those colours on that first picture! It looks amazing
Indah Nuria Savitri ha dicho que…
love the burst of brilliant colors on the first one..
Viera ha dicho que…
beauty in a lovely colour... Amazing composition
Magical Mystical Teacher ha dicho que…
The first shot, with all the reds and purples, is fabulous!

Owl in the Shadows
Laura ha dicho que…
I love these rich jewel tones!
Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA ha dicho que…
Me encanta la combinación de estos colores. ¡Felicidades!
Roger Owen Green ha dicho que…
purple is always pretty

Trubes ha dicho que…
Interesting colours I like the Purple image best... struggling to find the link with the letter
K ? Am I missing it somewhere.

Best wishes,
ABCW team.
Su-sieee! Mac ha dicho que…
Hmmm, I wonder if that's how the Husband and I looked early this morning when Molly the Cat abruptly woke us up with her Yowls downstairs. I hope we looked golden. :-)
The View from the Top of the Ladder

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