Foto Abstracta 3101 Tu corazón ya vive en mi cerebro - Your heart already lives in my brain

Foto Abstracta 3101  Tu corazón ya vive en mi cerebro - Your heart already lives in my brain

Foto Abstracta 3101  Tu corazón ya vive en mi cerebro - Your heart already lives in my brain

Foto Abstracta 3101  Tu corazón ya vive en mi cerebro - Your heart already lives in my brain


Anónimo ha dicho que…
Que c'est beau !
Merci Leovi

Brian Miller ha dicho que…
the thought of the heart in the brain is an intriguing one...the striations in picture def play up on brain
Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Rhonda Albom ha dicho que…
Nice colors, I like the red one best.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Wow again gorgeous colors and I love how it looks like neural pathways
Dirk Rosin ha dicho que…
man kunne nesten tro at det er bilde av hjerte ! supert.
stevebethere ha dicho que…
I thought the same as Brian

I like the first colour best this week ;-)
ZielonaMila ha dicho que…
Wonderful images:) Greetings
AdolfO ReltiH ha dicho que…
GUAU... GENIAL!!!!!!
dianne ha dicho que…
Beautiful colours and textures, which do look rather real.
xoxoxo ♡
TexWisGirl ha dicho que…
i love that and your title for it!
Juncal ha dicho que…

Piensas brain y no mind
Dices heart y no love...
Caramba, Leovi a eso le llamo yo aproximación de la abstracción hacia lo/el objetivo.
Habría de decantarme por la tercera ?
Pues no; me sumerjo entre esta policromía que embellece las respuestas y enmaraña de subjetividad los dictados de la anatomía

Un beso
MitchyLR ha dicho que…
Hi Leovi !! Great abstracts. This week I prefer the B&W version, it reminds me of frozen spider-web.
Amapola Azzul ha dicho que…
Precioso, enhorabuena.
Feliz semana.
Leovi ha dicho que…
Juncal me ha gustado eso de enmarañar de subjetividad los dictados de la anatomía, le va perfecto a la foto, creo que ese podría ser el título! Besos!
Alex J. Cavanaugh ha dicho que…
Wow, that really does look like a brain!
Laura. M ha dicho que…
Muy chula!!! Tus neuromas sabrán cuidarlo bien;))
Un beso.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
While these are vey nice, they are not my favorite from the shots that you have posted here.

Take Care!
Unknown ha dicho que…
This is amazing! It really does look like a heart to me.

I'm visiting from the Mindlovemisery's Menagerie prompt. My co-author and I created this piece.
Pantherka ha dicho que…
Leovi, it's fantastic.
Unknown ha dicho que…
Nice use of color and visual texture.
Vulpita Calatoare ha dicho que…
Very interesting, Leovi!
Unknown ha dicho que…
Lovely photo treatment as always
Lenas Trädgårdsrum ha dicho que…

This piece of Art is Magnificent!!Beautiful colours and textures. I can see both a heart and a brain :) All three different versions are incredible. It describes very good the following Words ..... Be True to your Heart - and that will release a Power greater than the Mind could ever Imagine <3 Its Always a plesure to visit your Gallery on Internet :)Thanks Leovi for all wonderful inspiration! Wish you a Lovely Summer!
Unknown ha dicho que…
Impressionante sia il concetto che le immagini. Come sempre riesci a risvegliare emozioni nascoste.
Un abbraccio, Antonella
Le monde dÖ ha dicho que…
You have a beautiful heart ;)
Maria ha dicho que…
Hello, dear friend!
What cute photos! Always your pics are magical!
Kisses! Have a nice day!
HansHB ha dicho que…
Beautiful abstract post!
Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me ha dicho que…
I'm a sucker for the colours of the middle one!
Cathy Kennedy ha dicho que…
Beautiful colors in the first photo. The third shot makes me think of a heart...not the shape, but the organ. Cool & interesting! Happy WW & again congrats on being today's featured photographer on my blog! ;)
One Mother Hen ha dicho que…
I love the drama in that last one. The red looks great :)
Unknown ha dicho que…
We invite you to visit us to serve ice cream.
Do you get a nice and quiet MFC.
lina@happy families ha dicho que…
Colorful brain.
Luis ha dicho que…
Interesante foto
Pat ha dicho que…
Fernando Santos (Chana) ha dicho que…
Excelente trabalho....
Dee Dee ha dicho que…
It almost sounds like a poem.

When you think of someone who loves your, their love not only fills your mind, but your heart as well.

Beautiful Leovi!
Always such interesting colors!!! Dont know how you do it, but they are beautiful!
Carmela ha dicho que…
Un entramado arraigado en uno mismo. Hermoso.
Un beso.

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