Foto Abstracta 3064 La agridulce intensidad de un amor imposible - The bittersweet intensity of an impossible love

Foto Abstracta 3064  La agridulce intensidad de un amor imposible - The bittersweet intensity of an impossible love

Foto Abstracta 3064  La agridulce intensidad de un amor imposible - The bittersweet intensity of an impossible love

Foto Abstracta 3064  La agridulce intensidad de un amor imposible - The bittersweet intensity of an impossible love


Unknown ha dicho que…
Ciao Leovi, bellissima e molto bello anche il titolo che hai scelto.
Un abbraccio, buona domenica.
ÍndigoHorizonte ha dicho que…
Muy in TENSO parece, sí.
Vision By Mila ha dicho que…
Is that an apple inside there? :)
dianne ha dicho que…
So beautiful dear Leovi, the title resonates with me.
xoxoxo ♡
21 Wits ha dicho que…
Exciting use of colors for this beautiful piece!
Lúcia Laborda ha dicho que…
Lindas e impressionantes imagens! Difícil identificá-las, mas esse é o lado bom do abstrato; mexer com a imaginação...
Bom domingo! Beijos
TexWisGirl ha dicho que…
bittersweet, indeed!
Dirk Rosin ha dicho que…
kjempe flott, god pinse :-)
Marty ha dicho que…
they live side by side but the way is beautiful
Laura. M ha dicho que…
Imposible no hay nada Leovi;)
Un beso.
Magaly Guerrero ha dicho que…
Two that can't mix, but they look so good together...
Juncal ha dicho que…

Hilvanar una interpretación en este taller de tinturas que hoy planteas ? ...
No se han fijado los colores, Leovi ; quizá les faltó el mordiente o quizá ya debieran secarse al sol, pero exponerlos a esa mezcla no produce si no impurezas que desvirtúan su natural belleza.
He leído que antiguamente en este oficio tenían prohibido mezclar colores entre ellos y para la obtención de algunos tonos habían de recurrir a la naturaleza.
Pues los conseguían aunque parezca imposible.
( Uno de ellos, el verde, como el que aquí presentas )

Un beso.
Unknown ha dicho que…
Wonderful colours and beautiful shapes. Excellent work.
Unknown ha dicho que…
I really like your compositions. Yours.
How not to forget the address, I will come back :)
Leovi ha dicho que…
Sí Juncal, mis fotos tienen poco de naturaleza! Besos!
Unknown ha dicho que…
This is so vibrant, yet still it looks like an explosion at the Smartie factory. It is perfectly delightful to see such creative art. Thank you for sharing your talents with us today.
Carole Robb Bisson
Word Art Wednesday
Luis ha dicho que…
No se si es un amor imposible pero si me parece inquietante.
Lydia ha dicho que…
Oh Leovi! I have always loved your work so much. This post is one of my favorites! Thank you for your art that speaks to me.
Jim ha dicho que…
Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Theresa Mahoney ha dicho que…
Impossible love. Like two ships passing in the night.
SmilingSally ha dicho que…
Hi Leovi,

Isn’t it fun sharing blues? Thanks for playing today.

Happy Blue Monday!
Jane ha dicho que…
Interesting macro abstract, like the colour one best. Thanks for sharing :)
geanina ha dicho que…
beautiful! :)
Hannah ha dicho que…
Your beautiful colors contrasting the two bubbles that cannot share love are a wonderful illustration! Interesting textures too.
pinkoddy ha dicho que…
What an oxymoron indeed. Seems an intense fight.
Paulita ha dicho que…
Love the wash of green. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme
lina@my home sweet home ha dicho que…
So unique and colorful!
Pantherka ha dicho que…

It's beautiful, fantastic ... wonderful composition.
Dragonstar ha dicho que…
More beautiful colours! Love it.
Unknown ha dicho que…
This is one of a kind, great!
LV ha dicho que…
How nice it would be if more people realized impossible love before getting into it.
Annesphamily ha dicho que…
Always fun to see what you are p to! Great different perspectives here. I love all the colors you have used. Enjoy your week and thanks for sharing.
Claire Justine ha dicho que…
Beautiful, the title fits perfect :)

Thanks for sharing over at Creative Mondays...
pseudosocióloga ha dicho que…
Jarek ha dicho que…
Excellent work!

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