Foto Abstracta 2995 Extraña Atracción - Strange Attraction

Foto Abstracta 2995  Extraña Atracción - Strange Attraction

Foto Abstracta 2995  Extraña Atracción - Strange Attraction

Foto Abstracta 2995  Extraña Atracción - Strange Attraction


very poetic my friend!!!
Roger Gauthier ha dicho que…
Strange world it is, indeed… I see two monsters facing each other, ready for a mortal combat. Each one is posturing, trying to install fear in the other.

Wonderful work.
TexWisGirl ha dicho que…
so VERY cool, leovi!
Anaximandro ha dicho que…
El océano se abre, respetuoso, para dar paso a un mar de imaginación.
Un abrazo.
Dana ha dicho que…
I've missed your photos, friend. Such beautiful colors!
LindyLouMac ha dicho que…
The colours in the first one are my favourite today.
Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Luis ha dicho que…
Eso me pasa a mi con tus fotos.
Beth Niquette ha dicho que…
How beautiful! I can see the faces. I love your title for this one. It is perfect.
✿France✿ ha dicho que…
C'est trés beau je vois deux visages pas toi!!!!!!!!!! en cristal et avec de si belles couleurs
Je sens aussi beaucoup d'émotion LEOVI
merci pour ce beau partage
tu es bien un magicine
bisou et bonne soirée
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Jarek ha dicho que…
Wonderful work. I like B&W version
HansHB ha dicho que…
A beautiful B&W abstract, - well done!
Lucy Corrander : Photos ha dicho que…
I don't understand what I am seeing (is it glass?) but the versions create different moods.
Carver ha dicho que…
Your abstracts are always so good.
Photos by Stan ha dicho que…
Perhaps it is really a repulsion, not attraction. Either way -- most intriguing.
இڿڰۣ FLO ha dicho que…
Mais que c'est beau LEOVI
Monica S Engell ha dicho que…
So cool, Leovi,- and I also like the space/gap between the two "faces"!
Wonderful textures!
Unknown ha dicho que…
Great shot, very interesting and mysterious.
'Tsuki ha dicho que…
It reminds me the legend of Tantale, who were punished by not being able to eat or drink : Tantal is on the right and the apple he can't eat on the left...
sunshine ha dicho que…
Very beautiful work and great structures.
Valerie-Jael ha dicho que…
Ooooh, this one is stunning! Valerie
Cascia Talbert ha dicho que…
Very beautiful images like usual! Have a fantastic weekend.
Dirk Rosin ha dicho que…
ser nesten ut som fjell , kjempe flott !
Villrose ha dicho que…
I feel dragged into this one... Fast!
Maria Emilia Moreira ha dicho que…
Depois de uma mais ou menos longa ausência, cá estou eu para me deliciar com estas cores as formas as transparências...
Uma beleza!Abraços.
Jennifer {Studio JRU} ha dicho que…
ohh... love these colors! green is a favorite and that pop of red is fantastic!
Cloudia ha dicho que…
Always special

ALOHA from Honolulu

=^..^= <3
dianne ha dicho que…
Wonderful design and gorgeous colours dear Leovi.
xoxoxo ♡
Linda ha dicho que…
Great composition! Awesome colors too.
Brian Miller ha dicho que…
interesting...i like the contrast of the sharp edges and the fluidity...great work in this one
Jen Price ha dicho que…
Cool! Looks like 2 people looking at each other!
geanina ha dicho que…
beautiful work and nice colors!
Lenas Trädgårdsrum ha dicho que…
One can really feel the strange attraction.
Dragonstar ha dicho que…
Nice contrast in the black and white, and great use of form and space. I like it.
lina@my home sweet home ha dicho que…
Unusual but interesting.
Irene ha dicho que…
Cool ... love the B&W as well as the color version!
Annette P.-L. ha dicho que…
Wonderful and unique abstract photoart! Great colours! The purple version is lovely, too!
Magical Mystical Teacher ha dicho que…
The reds and the greens seem to be having a conversation with each other!

Desert Shadows
Annabelle ha dicho que…
Strange and beautiful, I do see the faces.
Annabelle :)
Nicki ha dicho que…
Mystical masks - beautiful colors.
Ingrid ha dicho que…
Beautiful and very creative !
Miguel García ha dicho que…
Dos seres de pesadilla destinados a encontrarse porque el verde del fondo más que separarlos los une. Un abrazo,
Pat ha dicho que…
So beautiful!
Lis ha dicho que…
Looks like a human being on the right side there, looking up at something...
very nice :-))
Good luck with the a-z in april.
All the best.
Unknown ha dicho que…
Beautiful colours and forms from Leovi's world. Thank you for sharing.
Viera ha dicho que…
Such a beautiful photos...Lovely colours...very creative...
nella ha dicho que…

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