Foto Abstracta 2922 Marcado por tus iniciales - Marked by your initials


Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
stevebethere ha dicho que…
Beautiful as usual :-)
La utopía de Irma ha dicho que…
¡¡Qué bueno!!

Abrazote utópico, Irma.-
Laura. M ha dicho que…
Un precioso marcaje ;)
Buen martes.
Un beso
TexWisGirl ha dicho que…
neat! looks like flying birds.
Luz ha dicho que…
Hoy nos presentas menos colores. Me parece preciosa, sutil y elegante imagen
Un abrazo
Alex J. Cavanaugh ha dicho que…
Elegant in its simplicity!
Dirk Rosin ha dicho que…
Beautiful as usual :-)
Lenas Trädgårdsrum ha dicho que…
Gorgeous work!!
Japy ha dicho que…
Maravillosos esos tonos y como colofón esas iniciales. Un abrazo.
✿France✿ ha dicho que…
BONSOIR quand je regarde tes photos je ne sais pas pourquoi mais je vois des oiseaux qui volent de plus en plus haut
c'est un effet magique merci
Kaya ha dicho que…
Leovi, these initials are so beautiful and absolutely surreal! Fabulous abstracts!
Unknown ha dicho que…
Beautiful focus, the favorite this round must be the sepia one, beautiful work as usual.
B i r g i t t a ha dicho que…
Beautiful ribbon writing initials :)
MitchyLR ha dicho que…
Hi Leovi!! I really like this one, it reminds be of an exotic flying creature!!
genie ha dicho que…
Beautiful...I am thinking of graceful pink birds in flight. Lovely.
Linda ha dicho que…
Wonderful! The thumbnail did not look that great when it came up in my reader but I'm glad I clicked through because this is marvelous.
lina@happy family ha dicho que…
The first image looks romantic.
Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me ha dicho que…
Beautiful, I love the pink, even though I'm a red girl x
cath carbone ha dicho que…
Waou ! superbe lumière qu'est ce rose !
Jesús Castellano ha dicho que…
Sofisticada imagen nos muestra en esta entrada.

Anónimo ha dicho que…
Beautiful! I always love your colours :)
Unknown ha dicho que…

Buona giornata.
One Mother Hen ha dicho que…
Love the last one. So talented Leovi :)
Brian Miller ha dicho que…
nice...i like the minimalist approach with this makes th little bit of texture pop out...
Party of 5 ha dicho que…
Very nice.
Lis ha dicho que…
Amazing, brilliant colours-pink-white-beige and black.
Looks like birds to me...flying into somewhere, I would guess.
My compliments, as always.
Aprendiendo de los hijos ha dicho que…
Buena foto!!
mail4rosey ha dicho que…
I really love the first one!
Unknown ha dicho que…
WOW! Lindo!
Vasile Dumitru ha dicho que…
interesant, recunosc, dar nu sunt fascinat ca la alte foto!
nu e cu supărare, sper!
Annemor ha dicho que…
Like intitals.
Have a nice day.
Unknown ha dicho que…
This achievement is beautiful in both color and black and white
Have a quiet night with sweet dreams and restful sleep.
Helen ha dicho que…
Interesantes trabajos.. Buen MM y te invito aver mi entrada para hoy y mi blog de fotos y viajes ed uan española en Ecuador.. Saludos. Helen.
sunshine ha dicho que…
Beautiful, like a sculpture.
Rocky Mountain Woman ha dicho que…
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Fantastic, as always!
ÍndigoHorizonte ha dicho que…
Un bello tatuaje.
hanna ha dicho que…
Es magnífica !! que creativo, besos
Little Wandering Wren ha dicho que…
W-onderful is it a W for Wren, or is it M for M-arvellous M or is it zzzzz?!!
Have a great weekend
Wren x
Unknown ha dicho que…
Sweetness on the pink one! I love it :)
Lmkazmierczak ha dicho que…
Such flair and pizzazz♪
Annesphamily ha dicho que…
Always a delight here and your shares are always so bright, vivid and makign me smile. I have had the flu so I have missed a lot! Good to be here. enjoy your week!
SWFL Doula ha dicho que…
Love the textures!
Jenny ha dicho que…
This is so interesting...

I am always intrigued with your artwork!

Thanks for linking to the letter "I".


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