Abstract Photo 2869 Crystal Landscape 119 La ciudad del corazón Blanco - White Heart City (Andlang)


Alex J. Cavanaugh ha dicho que…
It does look like a futuristic city - very cool!
ÍndigoHorizonte ha dicho que…
White city... nice city.
Joop Zand ha dicho que…
Very special and i will let you know that you are a GREAT ARTIST.....my compliments.

Un abrazo, Joop
Luis ha dicho que…
Me encanta es un conjunto completo y muy hermoso.
TexWisGirl ha dicho que…
very ethereal!
இڿڰۣ FLO ha dicho que…
j'adore LEOVI
fus ha dicho que…
Me recuerda al Museo Guggenheim Bilbao . Impresionante color.

un abrazo

cath carbone ha dicho que…
Une belle profondeur de 'champs' dans ta composition cela change et j'aime énormément! superbe!
Anna Amnell ha dicho que…
A very exciting picture.
✿France✿ ha dicho que…
TOUT en légèreté c'est une merveille LEOVI bonne soirée
MitchyLR ha dicho que…
Hi Leovi !! Great abstract shots. I think I like the full-colour version best with this one :-))
Tanya Breese ha dicho que…
oh this is one of my favorites leovi!!
Unknown ha dicho que…
This is so lovely! Like a dragon flying over water into the sunset.
Dirk Rosin ha dicho que…
wow !! amazing ! klem :-)
Sheena-kay Graham ha dicho que…
Kirsty Vittetoe ha dicho que…
Such a lovely creations!
JaanaMarjo ha dicho que…
Splendid pictures!
mirapisani ha dicho que…
Like walking in my mind. Very nice Leovi. :)
Wow! Beautiful!

Blessings & Aloha!
Judy ha dicho que…
It does make me think of a city, especially with the tiny hydro poles and such on the horizon!!!
Amapola Azzul ha dicho que…
Es un placer pasar por aqui,
Un beso.

Bellísimas fotografías. Enhorabuena, ten una espléndida semana. Un fuerte abrazo.
Rocky Mountain Woman ha dicho que…
There is so much movement and excitement in this one!
Alica ha dicho que…
I especially like the colors in that first picture!
Esther Joy ha dicho que…
Wow! How awesome! Enjoyed studying it!
Lmkazmierczak ha dicho que…
My eye went right for that little heart....before I noticed your title♪ Just lovely♫ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/amazing-grace/
rebecca ha dicho que…
Love the blend of the picture.. :)

Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here.
Miguel García ha dicho que…
Un hermoso paisaje con una ciudad de ensueño entre la mar y el cielo. Un abrazo
Unknown ha dicho que…
Fabulous! The coloured shot is my favourite.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
This reminds me of the Sydney Opera House.
Unknown ha dicho que…
Spectacular pictures!
Brian Miller ha dicho que…
nice...it does look like a cityscape.....by the water.....very cool composition...
A Bit of the Blarney ha dicho que…
It looks like the birth of something magnificent!!! Beautiful!!!
Kim Cunningham ha dicho que…
Your colored images are always so striking!
Lise ha dicho que…
Looks like a cool place in outer space!
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Lovely landscape!
Laura ha dicho que…
gorgeous leovi!
sunshine ha dicho que…
Spectacular colors and forms.
Sylvia K ha dicho que…
Gorgeous colors, beautiful skies and wonderfully creative as always, Leovi! Hope you have a lovely weekend
Clytie ha dicho que…
I agree that it's spectacular - the little glowing heart makes it perfect!
Ni de Aqui, Ni de Alla ha dicho que…
Que belleza!
Valerie-Jael ha dicho que…
So beautiful, this really draws me in. Valerie
Aileen ha dicho que…
Very nice. I like the black and white version.
Netty ha dicho que…
Beautiful composition and colours. Happy PPF, Annette x
Unknown ha dicho que…
very surreal and interesting. I like the horizon line. Thank you for sharing
Meri ha dicho que…
Adrienne ha dicho que…
OH! An all time favorite! Especially in color!
'Tsuki ha dicho que…
I just love the effect you add to the picture : this blury thing make those sharp piece of glass look so soft... Well done !
Linda Kunsman ha dicho que…
truly a magical scene!
Rajesh ha dicho que…
Brilliant formation.
Susan Anderson ha dicho que…
This is one of my favorites from you, ever!

HansHB ha dicho que…
A lovely reflectionpost! Great abstract!
21 Wits ha dicho que…
Out of all your work that I've seen so far, this is a masterpiece, and my most favorite ever! It just draws me in to it!
Jim ha dicho que…
Looks magical.
Annette P.-L. ha dicho que…
Absolutely wonderful picture! It appears so calm and peaceful!
Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Viera ha dicho que…
Fantastic creation...as usual
humbird ha dicho que…
Beautiful! My favorite - in color, but black and white pic held attention too today...
Powell River Books ha dicho que…
Complex and creative. - Margy
Jenny ha dicho que…


This reminds me of a city in one of my candy games!

It made me happy! Thank you for that!

And thank you for linking!

Lis ha dicho que…
Amazing how you do this, it must be your crystal island.
Incredible .-)
Adorned From Above ha dicho que…
Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned Link Party. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above
Carver ha dicho que…
Stunning creations. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
Roger Owen Green ha dicho que…
The color shot is MAGIC!
photowannabe ha dicho que…
I find your art work so fascinating. I like the White heart city crystal landscape.
Leslie: ha dicho que…
Beautiful! Looks like Christmas presents floating on clear ice!

abcw team

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