Foto Abstracta 2832 Cristales de tu ausencia acribillan mi voz... - Crystals of your absence hurt my voice ...

Cristales de tu ausencia acribillan mi voz,

que se esparce en la noche

por el glacial desierto de mi alcoba.

-Yo quisiera ser ángel y soy loba-.
Yo quisiera ser luminosamente tuya
y soy oscuramente mía. 
                                                                                 Gloria fuertes


Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Parecieran arder Leovi!
MAR ha dicho que…
Qué bonito¡
Leovi, parecen panales de miel
dianne ha dicho que…
Beautiful colours with the harshness of the sharp crystals.
xoxoxo ♡
nella ha dicho que…
guuuuauuuu, exelente y el poema una maravilla.
TexWisGirl ha dicho que…
wow. so jagged and raw...
Angel Sánchez-Marco ha dicho que…
Piel de superficie lisa y perfecta y
detrás de la rotura, aparecen
espacios de complejas estructuras
creando como siempre estenografías
que bien podrían servir en teatro…
Muy buena fotografía Leovi!!!
Saludos, Ángel

Kaya ha dicho que…
Leovi, I love your titles. Love them so much!

Sharpness of crystals adds a beautiful touch to the soft flows. Very beautiful colors!!! Simply wonderful!
Roger Gauthier ha dicho que…
Wow, well said, very apt title, Leovi.

There is something hurting i n this beautiful image. The shapes, I think. The coloured light reflecting on the whole gives a surrealistic ambiance.
Alex J. Cavanaugh ha dicho que…
Wow, that almost looks alive!
Miguel García ha dicho que…
Cristales rotos, cortantes como navajas, que hacen sangrar. Un saludo,
cath carbone ha dicho que…
encore une fois j'adore! ce jeu de couleurs est extraordinaire!
bonne semaine Leovi!
SmilingSally ha dicho que…

Happy Blue Monday, Leovi.
Gillena Cox ha dicho que…
streams in with
a hint of
yellow sound

much love...
Michael (Light-In-A-Box) ha dicho que…
Leovi, this looks like a very powerful & strong presence. Nice work! : )
Theresa Mahoney ha dicho que…
The colors of the first one are really beautiful, but I like the effects of the third. Well done!
renae ha dicho que…
Very nicely done, Leovi! VERY!
Pantherka ha dicho que…
It is very beautiful! Wonderful, beautiful colors.
Unknown ha dicho que…
You have done wonderful job with the colours and crystal effect!
Esmeralda ha dicho que…
hasta rotos son bellos estos cristales coloridos...

Sylvia K ha dicho que…
Dramatic and beautiful as always, Leovi!! Thanks for sharing your amazing talent with us each week!!
eileeninmd ha dicho que…
Beautiful and colorful crystals. Lovely images, thanks for sharing!
genie ha dicho que…
Beautiful. For some reason it really does make me think of a broken heart. g
Recomenzar ha dicho que…
cuanto arte tiene tu blog
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Preciosas fotos acompañadas de preciosas letras, me encanta el colorido.
Un saludo, Leovi.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Wonderful colours and composition!
Unknown ha dicho que…
The edges of the crystals look very sharp and painful. I love the colours in the first one.
Rajesh ha dicho que…
Brilliant composition.
geanina ha dicho que…
great colors! i like it! :)
Brian Miller ha dicho que…
quite emotive title...and def painful...the shattered glass conveys that well, as well...
Pat ha dicho que…
I really like these sharp and jagged edges in black and white.
Nancy ha dicho que…
I like this one very much Leovi! Thank you for sharing at Tuesday Muse.
Lis ha dicho que…
Very interesting...Looks like sugar, kind of...
Unknown ha dicho que…
So unique, I'm loving that sepia finish!! Thanks for sharing with us at the Texture Twist!!
lorik ha dicho que…
they seem to be crackling! Great colours too...of course.
Thanks so much for joining in on the fun at Mandarin Orange Monday:)
Carver ha dicho que…
Very creative shots. I hate to hurt my voice. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
Roger Owen Green ha dicho que…
the sepia is particularly VIBRANT!

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