Abstrac Photos 2402 - 2403 - 2404 Estos son mis días - These are my days

Ayer - Yesterday

Hoy - Today 

Mañana - Tomorrow 


Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Cloudy ha dicho que…
Schöne Impressionen. Erinnert mich ein bisschen nach der Ablage von Kleidern nach vollbrachter Arbeit...

Servus und Sonnenschein
Hi Leovi, I'd say the emphasis is on 'today'. Nice collection!
ts ha dicho que…
Belle matière vivante sous le jeu des couleurs.
dianne ha dicho que…
Fabulous composition and colours, I love the warmth of the colours in image 1, 'Yesterday', so lovely dear Leovi.
xoxoxo ♡
Alex J. Cavanaugh ha dicho que…
You capture colors I don't believe I've ever seen before!
Susanna Powers ha dicho que…
Hi Leovi, When I first looked at the images, I was just enjoying the colors, but when I saw your captions it really made a lot of sense! The bright blue is the center, to me, which is appropriate because today is the most important part of our whole concept of the passage of time. thanks, sp
Michael (Light-In-A-Box) ha dicho que…
Hello Leovi. These look like the deep colors of amolite. Beautiful!
ÍndigoHorizonte ha dicho que…
Todos tus días son bellísimos, llenos de bellos pliegues, de pasión y de ternura pero yo, como no podía ser de otra manera, me quedo con tu HOY. Tanto que incluso lo imprimiría y me lo llevaría cerquita. Me encanta. HOY. Me encanta.
Mary Gene Atwood ha dicho que…
Love the colors in tomorrow! so pretty.
Petrea ha dicho que…
Vibrant and full of life!
Jill Wellington ha dicho que…
I always look forward to seeing what you photograph! I don't know how you do it...but it's always gorgeous!
Esmeralda ha dicho que…
... per què els meus dies no poden ser tan vius ?
Avui Leovi, avui, el teu avui es fantàstic.

Una gran abraçada de colors Avui
Indrani ha dicho que…
These colors are rare!
Pat ha dicho que…
Such beautiful work!
Anaximandro ha dicho que…
Presencias que, irracionalmente, nos perturban.
Un abrazo.
Amrit Sinha ha dicho que…
Stunning !!!
Ida ha dicho que…
Very creative. I love how you changed the colors to reflect the different days. I think, (Yesterday) was my favorite.
NatureFootstep ha dicho que…
thanks for responding. I guess I really just wanted to know if you have a study or workshop where you can melt pieces of glass to form various shapes?
lorik ha dicho que…
The last one looks like a giant frog or other weird creature! The lustrous,metallic colours are interesting.
Linda Kunsman ha dicho que…
what captivating photos!!!
Anónimo ha dicho que…
love the black and white versions!
Cindy ha dicho que…
Wow - and I love the names of your pieces as well as their color and compositions...your body of work must be incredible!

Blessings (coming from Studio JRU)...
LV ha dicho que…
I see multicolored turtle in these shots. Of course, I try to figure them out. Whatever you are doing, it is awesome.
C. ha dicho que…
Lovely riot of color!
lenalima ha dicho que…
Cores vibrantes!
Sarco Lange ha dicho que…
Qué días, hermano, no sé si envidiarlos, maldecirlos o exorcizarlos.

Sylvia K ha dicho que…
Magical, creative, wonderful colors and superb captures as always, Leovi!! Enjoy your weekend!!
geanina ha dicho que…
looks good your days! :)ciao!
Pat Tillett ha dicho que…
Beautiful Leovi! Love the colors from day to day...
Lynn Cohen ha dicho que…
YOur art just boggles the mind.
Juncal ha dicho que…

Buenos días, Leovi.
Con doble sentido, porque aparte de pasar a saludarte, no podría decirte otra cosa si los colores son la traducción de tus horas y momentos.
Qué distintos pintan los días ¿verdad? y sin embargo en cada uno encuentras belleza.
Tus ojos y tus sensaciones.

Son ellos los que recogen instantes y los convierten en arte sin rutina.
Cada uno es como una pequeña vida nueva que nace y muere y entre tanto, VIVE.

Pues felicidades por cada uno de tus días.

'Tsuki ha dicho que…
Those colors are fantastic Leovi... Your art is really awesome.
Giancarlo ha dicho que…
Sei un mago della fotografia!! buona giornata e felice fine settimana...ciao
HansHB ha dicho que…
Great, like the sun is melting ice!
Have a great weekend!
இ Baŋäŋaz இ ha dicho que…
*Sunday, Monday, Happy Days,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days,
Thursday, Friday, Happy Days,
Saturday, what a day,
Rockin all week with you. ..*

Wishing all your days are as colorful, awesome, mesmerizing etc blue skies and everything nice. Gracias.
Leovi ha dicho que…
Muchas gracias Juncal, sí, cada día tiene sus colores. Besos.
Out of Sight L ha dicho que…
The beauty you bring shows me there is hope in the world, never stop Leovi
Nancy ha dicho que…
Wow == each so different with the editing. :)
chica ha dicho que…
Maravilhosas sempre!abraços,chica
Red Nomad OZ ha dicho que…
Interesting choice of different colours to portray yesterday, today and tomorrow - I wonder what made you choose each one?
Dragonstar ha dicho que…
I really like 'yesterday' in black and white, and 'today' in colour.
Lindsay ha dicho que…
Holy smokes (or water?) These pictures are stunning! I do like the colors most. :)
Unknown ha dicho que…
the beauty of your work leaves me with a loss for words. Fantastic!
HansHB ha dicho que…
Your work is like the best handicraft!
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Such rich and fluid colors and shapes... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #48!
Maria Emilia Moreira ha dicho que…
Muito belos...eu não sei qual escolher, se o ontem, o hoje, ou o amanhã...
Bom domingo.M. Emília
Maria Emilia Moreira ha dicho que…
São sempre um regalo para os olhos os teus trabalhos. Difícil é escolher qual o mais belo.
M. Emília
Linda ha dicho que…
simply wonderful!
Jennifer {Studio JRU} ha dicho que…
Oh I love 'tomorrow'. Those colors are just amazing! One of my favorites from you! :)
colleen ha dicho que…
I see the virgin Mary and a fish painted Andy Warhol style.
Kay ha dicho que…
Beautiful! I think my favorite is "tomorrow" but they are all wonderful.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Liebe Leovi,
traumschöne Bilder dieser Tage, es fasziniert mich, darin zu verlieren. Ich wünsche dir alles Liebe für die kommenden Tage.
Herzliche Sonntaggrüsse, Sichtwiese
Courtney Breul ha dicho que…
As always, stunning shots. How do you do it???? :)
JennyC ha dicho que…
Gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
Chubskulit Rose ha dicho que…

Bold Shadow, come and see it. Your comment will be greatly appreciated!

inigo boy ha dicho que…
Simply beautiful. I love the colors!
Unknown ha dicho que…
Beautiful! Never know what tomorrow will bring.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
what captivating photos!!!
Karoleen ha dicho que…
Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. ha dicho que…
Gorgeous! Love the first one.

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