Abstract Photo 2222 A to Z (N) Nick Drake - Tribute to Russian Red


Javier ha dicho que…
Cuánto color y cuánta intensidad para comenzar la semana!!!!

dianne ha dicho que…
A beautiful abstract, I love the red, a lovely tribute to 'Russian Red', Lourdes Hernandez, she has a wonderful voice.
xoxoxo ♡
Sarco Lange ha dicho que…
Nick Drake, Man-Drake, Drake man, el hombre Drake, el mago, el fotógrafo efectista abstracto que navega entre soles y volcanes.
LindyLouMac ha dicho que…
Beautiful but Russian Red?
Jessica ha dicho que…
beautiful RED Ms. Leovi :-) beautiful as always :-) Dropping by from RT2

Giancarlo ha dicho que…
buon inizio settimana...ciao
Mary Gene Atwood ha dicho que…
Lovely abstract. The red is stunning.
Cafe au lait ha dicho que…
Awesome abstract. Happy RT2!

My entry.
Esmeralda ha dicho que…
Un lunes explosivo Leovi.
Haces magia con los colores y las formas.

Sabes que no puedo comentarte la música (mi señal) pero seguro que me gusta.
Una forta abraçada colorista
Unknown ha dicho que…
hermosos colores y una textura exquisita con sabor de primavera...besos!!!
Art ha dicho que…
Wow! This is fantastic! Love the colors!
Pilar Laín ha dicho que…
Curiosa la fuerza de un punto entre tanto colorido. Saludos.
Unknown ha dicho que…
Incredible colours!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
LifeRamblings ha dicho que…
beautiful abstract. the colours are so appealing.
Branca ha dicho que…
Muito lindos os seus abstractos, as suas paisagens de Cristal e tudo o que vi por aqui.


Um abraço.
josé luis ha dicho que…
Sigue el ritmo lleno de color y de movimiento...
Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Jennifer McLean ha dicho que…
what a beautiful abstract. Thanks for sharing.
Jenn of www.justaddwatersilly.com

I'm now following you!
Sylvia K ha dicho que…
Superb as always, Leovi! I love the RED! Incredible! Hope your week is going well!

Lúcia Laborda ha dicho que…
Meu amigo querido; simplesmente maravilhoso! Lindas cores! Parecem gotas de água formando um imenso mapa. Perfeito!
Boa semana! Beijos
Chubskulit Rose ha dicho que…
Another fab shot.

Please come and see my BLUES, when you get a chance.
Juncal ha dicho que…
Y yo entreveo un homenaje a la actualidad.
El red de labios y su rostro... el color de la sangre y su víctima...la pasión del momento y su arte...
Mi visión con mira telescópica :-)
Felicidades, Leovi.
Un beso.
cath carbone ha dicho que…
c'est bientôt l'été et tu nous éblouis déjà, "couleurs quand tu nous tiens dans la lumière...tu nous éblouis", c'est magnifique, superbe!!!
Bonne journée Leovi
geanina ha dicho que…
very, very nice!:). have a nice day Leovi...
Great image, love the blue!
Natasha in Oz ha dicho que…
Lovely images. Great to find you at the Communal Global link up.

Best wishes,
Natasha in Oz
Liz ha dicho que…
Nice work!

My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo
Leovi ha dicho que…
Me encanta tu visión Juncal.
Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy ha dicho que…
wow, fiery and beautiful!
Denise ha dicho que…
BEATRIZ ha dicho que…
Esto me ha sacudido el corazón Leo. Eres dueño del color de las emociones.

PiaRom ha dicho que…
love the turquise diamond embedded in red
ANRAFERA ha dicho que…
Es toda una delicia contemplar estos trabajos con intensas y vistosas tonalidades.
Lynne with an e ha dicho que…
I love the complexity of this one. Could get lost in there...happily so.
genie ha dicho que…
Awesome photography as usual. It is nice to be back online again. That was a long week without the computers working. The little bit of aqua in the center is a real eye catcher for me. Nice work. genie
Leah H. ha dicho que…
As always, lovely colors..

Visiting for RT2- hope you can stop by:)

Anónimo ha dicho que…
Those colours really pop!
Tina´s PicStory ha dicho que…
wonderful perspective from above :) thanks!
Miss Charming ha dicho que…
Such interesting texture and colors. Great shot!
Leah H. ha dicho que…
Beautiful shades of Yellows!

Visiting for MYM- hope you can stop by:)

Maria @ LSS ha dicho que…
Nice! A late visit for RT2.

Mine's here.
Jessica ha dicho que…
beautiful yellow in colors :-) Dropping by from MYM

Unknown ha dicho que…
Lovely and intriguing as always! Thank you for sharing and for linking up with Tones on Tuesday!
Jessica Cassidy ha dicho que…
LOVE is what in my mind when I see this beautiful art of yours Ms. Leovi :-) Dropping by from BM
My name is Riet ha dicho que…
Such a beautiful colorful photo.
EG CameraGirl ha dicho que…
Fascinating as always!
debra ha dicho que…
Ah lovely as always :) This red is HOT! :)
VBR ha dicho que…
what a beautiful shade of red. i like being able to look closely at your work and see the layers of color and texture.
The Poet ha dicho que…
What a beautiful picture!! Thanks for sharing.
anitamombanita ha dicho que…
Leovi, your colors are usually brilliant, but this is intense!! :)
Rocky Mountain Woman ha dicho que…
Gorgeous, just gorgeous...
Lmkazmierczak ha dicho que…
The black/white doesn't do much for me this time....but the blues contrasting with the red/orange/yellows really pops out♫
Tatiana ha dicho que…
lovely :3 i adore all the colour combinations!
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Stunning! This is just stunning!
Esther Joy ha dicho que…
Awesome art as always! Love the colors!
Annesphamily ha dicho que…
Awesome images! I am always loving the art here! Thanks for sharing!
Jenny ha dicho que…
That little bit of blue is quite nifty on this work!

It looks electric!

Thanks for sharing it.


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