Abstract Photos 2063 Crystal Landscape 52 Palace of the rain and sun


Alex J. Cavanaugh ha dicho que…
It's like a miniature fair! Very nice.
deb duty ha dicho que…
So beautiful in pink today!
Giga ha dicho que…
To wygląda jak piękna muszla w morzu :-). Pozdrawiam i życzę wspaniałego 2012 ROKU.

This looks like a beautiful shell in the sea :-). I greet and wish you a wonderful 2012.
Mrsupole ha dicho que…
It is like I see a dragon, then a snail or a wind tunnel depending upon which angle I look at it. Love the colors. Pink is one of my favorites.

Thanks for playing in this weeks Future Theme Thursday, always enjoy your sharing these pictures with us.

God bless.
Brian Miller ha dicho que…
nice...love the points of light like stars scattered through out...
Unknown ha dicho que…
pura poesía, por un excelente 2012!!
Vores have ha dicho que…
Hola Leovi.
Grandes fotos - me gusta la primera.
Te deseo un buen jueves.
Abrazos Hanne Bente ♥
Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Leovi, que hermosura. Me encantan! Gracias por los comentarios, un abrazo.
Lisa Gordon ha dicho que…
Leovi, esto es simplemente precioso!
Me hace pensar en un hermoso pájaro.
Les deseo un muy feliz año nuevo.
MAR ha dicho que…
Que bonito Leovi y con la música de Santana,es de lo mejor.
PD: dan ganas de llorar...
tiarastantrums ha dicho que…
I don't know how you get those fantastic shots - they are so amazing!
Valeria ha dicho que…
Genial, es como un escenario de fantasía :)
Ellie ha dicho que…
Beautiful colours.
Tamar SB ha dicho que…
Oh very nice, Leovi! Reminds me of an outdoor concert stage in Boston!
இ Baŋäŋaz இ ha dicho que…
The Ferris Wheel ~ London Eye. Think your country would have the same. Oh its pink for a moment thought its purple. Love the bubbles formation and love the music by Santana. If you are not aware Bananaz has got CVD..color vision defiency ie color blindess. gracias
Betty Manousos ha dicho que…
what a spectacular!!

i adore this!

Esmeralda ha dicho que…
Fabuloso palacio con su princesa dentro.
Toda una delicia de imagen. Escuchando a Santana te la puedes imaginar mirando al infinito y soñando con nuevos amaneceres.

Un paisaje espectacular.

Un petó
Cottage and Broome ha dicho que…
Beautiful, love the pink! Have a great New Years, Laura
Gina ha dicho que…
The water droplets glisten like diamonds in the sun :D XXX
Roberto Pato ha dicho que…
hay una idea de abanico en el elemento principal que me gusta y que va muy bien con Aranjuez...feliz año próximo
Carlos Pérez ha dicho que…
Maravillosa composición!!!
Un abrazo
hanne virtauksesta ha dicho que…
So nice...
the colour is beautiful..
I must think...
Cheryl ha dicho que…
Okay, now. This one is the best ever. Is that the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance? I love the colour, the shape, the water and sky in the background. Awesome. I think you're on to something here.
HansHB ha dicho que…
You're so good with this!
I wish you a Happy NewYear!!
Pilar Laín ha dicho que…
Mis mejores deseos para el próximo año y que continue aflorando tu inspiración, para seguir disfrutando de tu maravilloso trabajo.
Wenche ha dicho que…
Beautiful as always, have still not figure how you do it :0) Have a nice day, and a Happy New Year :0)
Unknown ha dicho que…
Stunning images!! Happy New Year. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Rajesh ha dicho que…
Awesome crystal landscape.

Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Sylvia K ha dicho que…
Breathtaking! And such lovely colors and beautiful skies!! You are the artist! Wishing you a very Happy New Year, Leovi!

Serendipityissweet ha dicho que…
Leena ha dicho que…
Such stunning colours! This should be in a fantasy movie ...
A Happy New Year to you!
Nadege, ha dicho que…
I love this one with its wonderful colors and reflections.
Wishing you a Happy New Year.
Melbourne Australia Photos ha dicho que…
Looks very spectacular and beautiful. I like the sky and the reflection effect on this one!
May you have a very Happy New Year!
Annemor ha dicho que…
The pictures an d the music fitted like a han in a glove.
Thank you.

May 2012 be the best of years.
Karen ha dicho que…
Oh, I love the colours in this one! Wishing you a Happy New Year.
Sarco Lange ha dicho que…
Absoluta y lisérgicamente aplaudo esta toma, esas nubes...ese sol...esa capacidad de volver al centro de todo.

LifeRamblings ha dicho que…
your photos are spectacular as always. i've always enjoy your collection of shots. keep them coming.
இ Baŋäŋaz இ ha dicho que…
That's why in all my comments hardly mentioned on colors but would generalise them else you would huh huh..all the time haha. Right maybe will interpret your pixz from another angle should go for your B&W then lolz. Buen día.
Becky ha dicho que…
I don't know how you always come up with such brilliant pieces, but you never fail to impress me. Thank you for linking these up at Rub Some Dirt On It.
ANRAFERA ha dicho que…
Que maravilla de composición Leovi y que buen partido le sacas a estos cristales.
Encantador trabajo.
Saludos y Feliz Año 2012.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Wonderful colors, I wonder how you do this :)

Happy new year :)
TorAa ha dicho que…
Happy new year,
that's all

Why should I comment?
You have never commented any of my photos, so what about the year to come?
Stefano Davanzo ha dicho que…
As usual a great work.

Have a wonderful 2012 whit who you love

Karen ha dicho que…
The colors make me happy! Such joy. Amazing images this week!

Happy TT and Happy New Year!!
Indrani ha dicho que…
Fantastic colors. Lovely creations.
forgetmenot ha dicho que…
The color, shape, and texture are all spectacular. Beautiful. Happy New Year. Mickie ;)
Liplatus ha dicho que…
Atmosphere with a light. Rain Drops, is a change of weather.;)

You Leovi creating joy for 2012!
Enrique Chapín ha dicho que…
Leovi, espero que tengas un año cargado de magníficos trabajos como éste que nos muestras.

Un abrazo.
Cecilia Artista ha dicho que…
Wonderful pictures with stunning colors!
Feliz Ano Nuevo 2012!
Laura ha dicho que…
Gorgeous! Happy New Year!
carlarey ha dicho que…
This looks like the Ferris Wheel at the world's most beautiful amusement park!
Carmela ha dicho que…
Ayyyyy esa música y cuantos recuerdos!!!...preciosa...cómo tu fotografía!!!
Besos muchos y Feliz Año Leovi
Gloria j Zucaro ha dicho que…
Love the colors, great shape showing from the beginning(2011) to the end(2012)
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Beautiful colors. Faye
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Stunning pics as always. Like the contrasting sky. Happy new year to you!
Robin Panzer Art ha dicho que…
I really like the water elements you've added to this one Leovi! Happy New Year and Happy Paint Party Friday! #2 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33
Carver ha dicho que…
I like these in color and in black and white.
Dragonstar ha dicho que…
The shapes are magnificent.
Chubskulit Rose ha dicho que…

My Skywatch,please come and see. Happy new year!
Tammie Lee ha dicho que…
magically gorgeous!
DVArtist ha dicho que…
Very Futuristic! It is magnificant!
Happy 2012
RobertN ha dicho que…
Beautiful! A Happy Wonderful 2012 be yours!
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Both images are excellent but I think the B&W the better of the two.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
wow, this is amazing, the colors are just beautiful!
genie ha dicho que…
What a beautiful name for this lovely capture. It makes me think of a Japanese fan or a large shell on the beach. The colors are magnificent. Happy New Year. genie
Jah Hollis ha dicho que…
A mighty and beautiful structure in that landscape. Carlos Santana is one of my favourite guitarists and I have seen him play with his own band many times trough the years.
Wish You a happy new year, Leovi!
Betty Manousos ha dicho que…
great pink and such an inspiring post title!!
simple and powerful.

Happy New Year.
Unknown ha dicho que…
Very aptly titled:) Love the colors and the rounded shapes against the sky. Have a very happy New Year, Leovi!
Mandolin ha dicho que…
I too, am fascinated about how these images are created. These photos are eyecandy!
Unknown ha dicho que…
GlorV1 ha dicho que…
Excellent work, just excellent. Happy New Year to you!
B i r g i t t a ha dicho que…
This one is great in both colours and bw!
Jenny ha dicho que…
I love the unique shape of this work. Pinks and purples always intrique me as well.

Just lovely.

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