Abstract Photos 1980 - 1981 - 1982 Crystal Landscape 48 "Todo es de color" - Everything Is In Colour

Dedicado al poema "Todo es de color", poema del poeta José Manuel Flores que escribió las letras de bastantes canciones de Lole y Manuel. Pero por no querer comercializar con su poesía, en los créditos de los discos aparece Manuel Molina como autor.

Dedicated to the poem "Everything is color", poem of the poet José Manuel Flores, who wrote the lyrics of many songs from Lole y Manuel. But not wanting to trade withhis poetry, in the credits of the disks appears as author Manuel Molina.

Todo Es De Color
Todo el mundo cuenta sus penas
pidiendo la comprension
quien cuenta sus alegrias
no comprende al que sufrio
Señor de los espacios infinitos
tu que tienes la paz ahi entre las manos
derramala Señor te lo suplico
y enseñales a amar a mis hermanos
de lo que pasa en el mundo
por Dios que no entiendo nada
el cardo siempre gritando
y la flor siempre callada
que grite la flor
y que se calle el cardo
y todo aquel que sea mi enemigo
que sea hermano
vallamos por esa senda
a ver que luz encontramos
esa luz que esta en la tierra
y que los hombres apagamos
Señor de los espacios infinitos
tu que tienes la paz ahi entre las manos
derramala Señor te lo suplico
y enseñales a amar a mis hermanos
y enseñales lo bello de la vida
y a ser consuelo en todas las heridas
y amar con blanco amor toda la tierra
y buscar siempre la paz Señor y odiar la guerra
y en aquel jardin han entrado
cuatro hombres a por fia
y sin compasion se han llevado
la rosa que yo queria
y luego la han despreciado
y quien me puede demostrar
que Cristo no fue gitano
ni que sabia cantar
las flores de tu balcón
las flores de tu balcón
lloran por verte, que lo se yo

Everything Is In Colour

Everyone tells of their worries
Asking for understanding
He who tells of his joy
Doesn’t understand those who suffered
Lord of infinite space
You who have peace there between your hands
Pour it out Lord, I beg you
And teach my brothers to love
Of what happens in the world
By God, I don’t understand it
The thistle always screaming
And the flower always quiet
Let the flower scream
And let the thistle fall silent
And all those who are my enemies
Let them be my brothers
Let’s go down that path
And see what light we can find
That light that is in the ground
And that which we have extinguished
Lord of infinite space
You who have peace there between your hands
Pour it out Lord, I beg you
And teach my brothers to love
And show them the beauty of life
And how to comfort all wounds
And how to love with pure love the entire world
And how to always search for peace Lord and to hate war
In that garden there have entered
Four men and by force
And without compassion, they have taken
The rose that I loved
And later they have maltreated it
And who can prove to me
That Christ wasn’t a gypsy
Or that he couldn’t sing
The flowers on your balcony
The flowers on your balcony
Cry to see you again, as far as I know


Anónimo ha dicho que…
What vibrant colours and what lovely soft curves!
Ellie ha dicho que…
These are really beautiful.
Vores have ha dicho que…
Hola Leovi.
Todo es de color - muy por encima de las nubes el cielo siempre es azul.
Grandes fotos que muestran - Me gusta verlos - y amar la vida.
Te deseo un colorido jueves.
Abrazos Hanne Bente ♥
Mrsupole ha dicho que…
Great colors in the photos. I really like the poem and it does talk about what Tomorrow might be.

Thanks so much for playing in this weeks Theme Thursday. Fantastic photos each week for the theme.

God bless.
Gina ha dicho que…
Wonderful movement...like a dancing rainbow :D XXX
Sherrie ha dicho que…
Beautiful! Have a great day!

Food for Thought
Sarco Lange ha dicho que…
El fondo de esta foto me provoca un deseo enorme de perderme.

Maude Lynn ha dicho que…
I see a fish!
Alex J. Cavanaugh ha dicho que…
Like a colorful ice castle on a frozen lake. Amazing!
Art ha dicho que…
This work is really lovely!
Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Excelente Leovi!
The sculptural quality of you photos always amaze me.

Beautiful colors and shapes.

I love, love the Todo Es De Color poem.

Thanks for sharing Leovi.
4U2 ha dicho que…
Porque pienso en una madre ... que da vida, alimento, a lo mejor de la vida, los bebes - qienes dan color de alegria a la mejor de la vida?
respuesta: gracias por ayudarme a tener en vida mi computador :)
Susan Anderson ha dicho que…
Absolutely wonderful, Leovi...the photo and the poem that inspired it.

Happy Thanksgiving! :Even though you don't specifically celebrate it, I think you celebrate it every day in your photos.

Elisabeth ha dicho que…
Nice photos, to a nice poem!
Ingrid ha dicho que…
Gorgeous ! very special !
Ash ha dicho que…
Splendid. This is one of your best, Leovi!
✿France✿ ha dicho que…
Cristina Deboni ha dicho que…
: )) tra poco costruirai una struttura per fare le foto, il passo è poco questa sembra già una piccola cattedrale stile spagnolo piena di fantasia! Mi piace molto! Buona serata! Cri : )
Clytie ha dicho que…
How absolutely gorgeous, Leovi - and the poem touched me deeply.

The thistle always screaming
And the flower always quiet
Let the flower scream
And let the thistle fall silent
And all those who are my enemies
Let them be my brothers

Thank you!
Unknown ha dicho que…
tres beau
Kaya ha dicho que…
Leovi, this is beautiful. And images and a poem. I enjoy this post tremendously

I love these words from the poem " Everyone tells of their worries, asking for understanding..."

And then "You who have peace there between your hands..." Jose Manuel Flores is a big poet!!!!!! He can so easy awake your soul and open your mind.

These images of crystals are very dramatic and fabulous.

There is drama in the air in the first two images. And It's getting more deep in the B&W images.

Wow!!!! Love this post a lot and love these masterful pieces of art a lot!!!!

A hug.
Esmeralda ha dicho que…
Bueno...!! estos son mis paisajes, una maravilla "Todo es de color"....

"El pez arco iris"
-el pez mas hermoso de todo el océano
-hermoso y soberbio
-se quedó sin amigos
-descubrió la soledad
-no le gustó
Cuando regaló sus hermosas y coloridas escamas no fue tan hermoso
-pero fue feliz

Tu pez hermoso y colorido me ha recordado a este cuento que es una joya.

Un petó Leovi
CameraCruise ha dicho que…
Gorgeous, love it!
Have a great day.
Gina ha dicho que…
Aaaaw! Thank you for the beautiful verse :D XXX
Carmela ha dicho que…
Una canción que me encanta.
La foto hermosa, un lugar maravilloso en un paisaje de ensueño, Leovi.
Sinobjetivo ha dicho que…
Simplemente maravillosas!!
Pilar Laín ha dicho que…
Ya hacia dias que no pasaba por aqui, otras cuestiones me han tenido ocupada. Tu blog siempre es de colores, aunque los colores sean el blanco y el negro. Saludos.
Unknown ha dicho que…
Great colours and curves!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Very interesting shots and artwork.

Darryl and Ruth :)
Judie ha dicho que…
Hmmm-that sort of looks like a crystal turkey. Maybe it's because I have our American Thanksgiving on my brain!!
Inger-M ha dicho que…
Gorgeous transparency!
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. ha dicho que…
Beautiful images and a beautiful poem. You continue to show us the 'beauty of life'. Thank you.
Rajesh ha dicho que…
Beautiful landscape with colorful crystals.
Unknown ha dicho que…
wow stunning!

Indrani ha dicho que…
Whoa! Fantastic creations!
George ha dicho que…
This is another colorful and beautiful crystal landscape. Thanks for sharing it with us. Thanks, too, for sharing the lyrics as well.
anitamombanita ha dicho que…
otra imagen hermoso! que colores!!
Pat ha dicho que…
Leovi, these are beautiful creations!
MAR ha dicho que…
Vuelvo a ver la ballena tristona.Esta vez, la veo de regraso de la isla,no parece que le fuese bien.
Me encantó la canción¡
Besos leovi¡ y buen finde.
Seraphinas Phantasie ha dicho que…
Just wonderful ! All the time Artwork. I love the colors in your first shots. Great and amazing !
magda ha dicho que…
Very elegant work my dear leovi!!!
Beautiful reflections and colors!!!
Very nice poem about true love of God!
Un abrazo
;) ha dicho que…
Even your balck and white is color!!! Beauty... everywhere in your world.
Inge ha dicho que…
Lovely pictures.. :-)
Unknown ha dicho que…
Netty ha dicho que…
All I can say is FABULOUS. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x
இ Baŋäŋaz இ ha dicho que…
Everything is beautiful..
Brian Miller ha dicho que…
nice...thanks for including the poem...enjoyed it and your picture plays well off of it...beautiful flow and color...
Anónimo ha dicho que…
beautiful, the colour photo shows all the reflexes of sun light! it's amzing!

Light Trigger: our entry
Tina´s PicStory ha dicho que…
very nice! have a nice weekend!
Laloofah ha dicho que…
This is so striking! I love how you always use colors I would never put together (like oranges and pinks), and yet they work so well. Like a sunrise or sunset sky. I love the lighting in these, as well as the colors. Beautiful!
Annemor ha dicho que…
I needed those words and that sight.
Thank you.
Have a nice day
Šolanje na domu-Waldorf ha dicho que…
Fabulous use of light! Love it!
Lori @ Foto Friday ha dicho que…
The colors are so beautiful! Nice poem.

Thanks for sharing,
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Qué imagen tan inmensa !
Me encanto el comentario de Sarco Lange :)
te dejo un besazooo!
Jah Hollis ha dicho que…
Beautiful pictures. Light and colour is what we need now, especially here up North where it is the darkest time of the year now.
Abela ha dicho que…
Estupendo juego de transparencias y reflejos Leovi, y el poema buenisimo...ya lo sabes ¿no?. Un abrazo
Martha Z ha dicho que…
Another interesting composition.
Sylvia K ha dicho que…
Breathtaking beauty as always and I love the water and skies in the background! Lovely colors! Have a wonderful weekend, Leovi!

carlarey ha dicho que…
Beautiful, I love how the touches of gold at the edges of the clouds echo the gold in the glass.
anthony stemke ha dicho que…
Great crystal and a lovely poem.

We recently saw the Chihuli blown glass art in St. Petersburg, Florida and it was fantastic.

One of his pieces, worth one million dollars US, is on the ceiling of the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

I thought of you as I took the tour, his work is spectacular.
ÍndigoHorizonte ha dicho que…
Como naranjas desgajándose con su dulzor y su acidez, jugosas, ávidas de luz, derramándose...
genie ha dicho que…
I really like the water and the sky framing the picture. This is a beautifully colored fish out of water. The way the light flows through the capture is stunning. genie
Anónimo ha dicho que…
hermosos cuadros
betty-NZ ha dicho que…
Quite different and interesting. The colors are truly great.
Kris McCracken ha dicho que…
But how did they get there?
Laura ha dicho que…
As always your artwork is exquisite. The poem/prayer really touched my heart. Thank you for sharing and translating it for us.
Mandy ha dicho que…
beautiful..how do you do this..xxx
ANNE ha dicho que…
I love the stained glass look you get. So pretty.
Mingingi des prairies ha dicho que…
Très belle idée que d'illustrer tes photos par ces beaux poèmes !
Dragonstar ha dicho que…
I like the third in black and white. It enhances the scenery beyond.
Marianne ha dicho que…
Absolutely mesmerizing
Geckostone ha dicho que…
Breathtaking!!! Just love it! Deb
Jenny ha dicho que…
What a gorgeous, gorgeous progression of color!

Really fabulous. I am enchanted with that rosy, raspberry color on the right!
C'est superbe dans l'ensemble mais je préfère nettement les photos couleurs qui décuplent l'effet lumière.


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