Abstract Photos from 1888 to 1897 Suzanne

Día 17 del Homenaje a Leonard Cohen: Suzanne
Day 17 of the Tribute to Leonard Cohen: Suzanne
La Fotografía Efectista Abstracta. Fotos Abstractas. Fotos abstractas.


tinajo ha dicho que…
Looks beautiful! :-)
Alex J. Cavanaugh ha dicho que…
Amazing! Looks like flowing water.
alfonso ha dicho que…

· Como siempre. Un gran trabajo. Y evocar a Leonard Cohen, un acierto merecido.

· Salud·os

Daliana Pacuraru ha dicho que…
Wonderful abstract colours!
My best regards from Romania!
stella ha dicho que…
Fantastic series.
Fantastic colors change.
Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys ha dicho que…
I totally love the colors in your photos. Such really, really great captures. I love them all, but the green is my favorite.
Annemor ha dicho que…
And I found the water in your pictures,

Disfrute de Lunes
Gina ha dicho que…
A hatching water dragon :D XXX
Unknown ha dicho que…
Popping over from the butterfly effect. You continue to absolutely AMAZE me ... such beauty of form and line .. such flow. I feel as though any one or all of these are in the process of becoming .. moving, searching, seeking, finding, allowing ... faces appear, masks emerge from the movement. Thank you! hugs from Mexico, Donna
pseudosocióloga ha dicho que…
Sabine Gimm ha dicho que…
Wonderful effects and a new blogdress I like it.
Greetings Sabine
Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Nayana ha dicho que…
How do you manage to do this everytime...stunning:)
Stranger in a Strange Land ha dicho que…
Very nice.

Anónimo ha dicho que…
I love this series!
The images and the music together is very beautiful
Wonderful work, Leovi

Anónimo ha dicho que…
Qúe bonitas¡veo tantas formas en ellas.
Remolinos sobre las aguas,no sé infinidad de formas.
Bess Leovi¡ Scarlata)
Gitte ha dicho que…
I came to think of shellfish...beautiful picture ;-)
Pétales de fée ha dicho que…
Bonjour cher Leovi !
¡Qué hermosa estas imágenes con la hermosa canción de Leonard Cohen, me encontré con tu blog en blanco y negro es muy bonito!
Buena semana para ti!
Vores have ha dicho que…
Flotte abstrakte billeder.
Ønsker dig en god mandag aften.
Knus Hanne Bente
Art ha dicho que…
Amazing ... This was absolutely beautiful!
Inge ha dicho que…
Again you show us all wonderful pictures. Thanks a lot.
Leovi ha dicho que…
Muchas gracias Scarlata, besos.
George ha dicho que…
You've created beautiful color and form in these images.
Tina´s PicStory ha dicho que…
if it has something to do with food, than these are cocktails. one with orange, one with kiwi, one blue curacao... :) thanks for sharing with picstory! sorry, if my interpretation is wrong :(
SmilingSally ha dicho que…
Happy Blue Monday to you, Leovi!
Mª Angeles B. ha dicho que…
Que colorido mas variado y lleno de belleza....


Carmela ha dicho que…
Y quieres viajar con ella, viajar a ciegas a través de ese río , porque ambos cuerpos se han tocado en sus mentes.
Leovi es maravilloso cómo puedo captar a través de estas fotografías ese viaje que hacen ambos a través del río. Ésta es una canción muy especial para mí y me encanta que la expreses con ésta serie Z, de la que me quedé prendada con aquella Aphrodita de enero
Un beso
Frieda ha dicho que…
Fantastic! These compositions look so dramatic.
Lisa Gordon ha dicho que…
¡Oh Dios mío, estos son maravillosos Leovi!
Gracias dos veces para el intercambio de estos, además de los primeros!
Visita siempre me alegra el día mucho más colorido, y le doy las gracias por eso!
MIMOSA ha dicho que…
Me gusta el color, me gustan las texturas, sin embargo, al verlas escuchando la canción, sentí un profundo escalofrío, realmente extraño.
Un abrazo.
Esmeralda ha dicho que…
Dignas imágenes para Suzanne.
Aguas de colores, turbulentas, degradándose como los colores.

Como siempre magníficas.

Un petó
Anónimo ha dicho que…
No exagero cuando digo que no debo perderme ni una entrada.
Demasiada belleza para pasarla por alto.
Unknown ha dicho que…
The clour is like liquid fire! You've outdone yourself. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Cedar ha dicho que…
Lovely series!
Jen Price ha dicho que…
Amazing as always!
Kaya ha dicho que…
Ohh, these is so great, Leovi. Suzanne... She is never the same. I went through every image and i can see how happiness turns into sadness and again into joy and how everything calms down.

You did it so beautifully just changing colors and lines and flow.

Great idea, wonderful tribute and beautiful images.

A hug.
Karen Kyle Ericson ha dicho que…
Beautiful! Very nice shots. I'm a new follower from Greetings from Monmouth County.
Sylvia K ha dicho que…
Creative, breathtaking and amazing as always, Leovi! Have a beautiful week!

Pat ha dicho que…
I love the fluidity of these images!
Lynne with an e ha dicho que…
The romantic history and changing colours and deep poetry of Suzanne is captured in your photos here.
Rajesh ha dicho que…
Wonderful shots. It is magical.
Judy ha dicho que…
The first shot makes me think of a fish, but I don't know why.
I like the last capture, where you have leached most of the colour out of the photo, too!
Sarco Lange ha dicho que…
Pasar por aquí no deja nunca de ser un paseo inteligente.

Bren Graham Thebeau ha dicho que…
So beautiful. That first shot makes me want to find a way to paint what you've created with your camera. Inspiring
Anónimo ha dicho que…
So beautiful as always. I love the way the series starts off with a lot of colours that then fade away...
:.tossan® ha dicho que…
I really like your description of the abstract, and your photos are amazing. Photos and strong texture that are not easy to make, but you have done an excellent job.
Thank you for changing my visits to my site.
Ida ha dicho que…
So intriguing. The colors and patterns appear to be flowing. So pretty, so mysterious.
SquirrelQueen ha dicho que…
Fabulous flowing colors as always. My imagination is showing me faces in several of your shots, the more I look, the more I see.
Jaymi ha dicho que…
wow, these are beautiful! I love the colors! Thanks for linking up!
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Siempre aciertas con las imágenes, estan en el momento justo, adecuadas para Suzanne...
Son fantásticas!
Un abrazo.
Indrani ha dicho que…
Superb creations. The one with yellow is most attractive.
Cristina Deboni ha dicho que…
Le tue foto sono sempre più belle e perfette! Mi piacciono i caldi colori delle prime due foto. Ciao : )
Donna Shields ha dicho que…
Love them. The first one gives a warm feeling, yet at the same time, has a cool one too.
Grandma Deal ha dicho que…
So unique and such beautiful colors. Great work.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Betty Manousos ha dicho que…
you just managed to create such beautiful forms!

amazing images as usual.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Beautiful pictures!
forgetmenot ha dicho que…
Beautiful, beautiful. I love the first 2, and the one with the lovely green in it--I think I am attracted to more colorful things. Well done, as always. Mickie :)
genie ha dicho que…
Am really enjoying the water droplets you are using in your picture these days....am hoping it is water. I think some of the shots look like very feminine and expensive ladies’ bustiers. genie
Marius Barbu ha dicho que…
In primele fotografii exista un amestec de culori, lumini si umbre deosebit si foarte reusit!
Javier ha dicho que…
Parece que fotgrafíes la fragilidad con tu cámara

Beautiful colors...
betty-NZ ha dicho que…

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