Abstract Photo 1379 Question

Letter Q: Title Question
Tribute to  May Swenson


Madalina Dascalu ha dicho que…
beautiful colors
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Es espectacular su trabajo!
Me apasiona...
Berit ha dicho que…
Beautiful art from you again Leovi.
Wishing you a nice day.
Greetings from,
Laura ha dicho que…
Leovi...la burbujas...magnificas!
Bildgatan ha dicho que…
Wow, a lot of lovely pictures you have here.
chaill ha dicho que…
la "question" della canzone è diversa da quella della poesia .. ma porta pazienza :) ciao e a presto!
ÍndigoHorizonte ha dicho que…
Burbujeante y colorida pregunta. Seguro que en algún lugar está la respuesta.
Irina ha dicho que…
How did you do it? It's fantastic. Greetings
Indrani ha dicho que…
Great creation again. :)
Ricardo Miñana ha dicho que…
Siempre es un placer pasar por tu casa, disculpa la ausencia,
deseo pases unas felices fiestas
de semana santa.
un abrazo.
Carmela ha dicho que…
Es preciosa esa interrogante entre los colores.
Me ha encantado leer a esta poetisa, tampoco la conocía.
"sin más ojos que el viento.
Con una nube para cubririme," que forma más bonita de decirlo.
Un beso
Blu ha dicho que…
Hootin Anni ha dicho que…
It's like looking through a glass of some carbonated drink with color effects used.

My Wednesday Post:
Still Waters Run Deep

Hope your day is going well for you. Hope you can find time to visit with me today.
Luisa ha dicho que…
A interrogação da vida. O porquê das coisas...

Saludos, Leoni
Laura ha dicho que…
fascinating image...so much color!
dianne ha dicho que…
Such a beautiful question!

Besos xoxoxo ♡
Crystal ha dicho que…
Every time I come here and I mean every time I see another beautiful image! :-)
Anónimo ha dicho que…
mercè ha dicho que…
las respuestas estan en la belleza de la fotografia:
estas burbujas, estos tonos !!!!
besos leovi
Lorraine ha dicho que…
A Treasure box, oh I love it so Leovi :)
Stacy Uncorked ha dicho que…
Absolutely beautiful!

WW: Dork Dogs and Cats
ANRAFERA ha dicho que…
...chapó, Leovi¡ Un excelente trabajo...muy detallista y reflexiva la interrogación¡
Saludos y buen Miercoles.
FrammentAria ha dicho que…
sai Leovi, ogni volta che entro qui provo un senso di familiarità, riconosco e tuoi scatti e li ri-conosco, e mi piace.
Valeria ha dicho que…
muy padre, me gusta de repente encontrarme con lo que se puede descubrir en tus fotos.
S. Oró ha dicho que…
To be or not to be, that´s the question. Fantástico. Saludos.
Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Me encanta Leovi!
alicia ha dicho que…
Georgeous piece of art!
nostalgia ha dicho que…
Que bonito,el caballito de mar¡
a parte,veo sapos,serpientes y demás vichejos.Besos leovi
Leovi,tu ves,lo que yo veo,alguna vez????
magda ha dicho que…
Complicated project!!!
Very nice colors, great details!!!!
Leovi, Congratulations!
Sorry, that until the end of April, will not visit your blog, because it will travel.
Un abrazo y besos
Cildemer ha dicho que…
Lindissimo punto de interrogation!
George ha dicho que…
I really like this! Very well done.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Unknown ha dicho que…
Very beautiful images! Thank you for participating in the Get Wired Blog Hop!

Have a great day!

Sabine Gimm ha dicho que…
I don't have an answer.
I wish you nice few days and happy easter.
Greetings Sabine
Cristina Deboni ha dicho que…
Beh...se come fai non è ritoccata c'è un bel lavoro dietro! complimenti ancora per le tue creazioni. Ciao Cri : )
Marjorie ha dicho que…
The fluidity of this photo shows just how uncertain some answers to questions can be.
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Sigues siendo GENIAL en lo que haces.
isabella kramer - veredit ha dicho que…
Das ist sooo wundervoll! Grandiose Idee!

un beso
Luciane Moraes ha dicho que…


Um excelente feriado pra você*

Blitz ha dicho que…
You just blow my mind away! This was amazing:) WONDERFUL!
Noemi Ventosa ha dicho que…
En esta foto veo muchas cosas, cadenas, cruces... Cuantas cosas descubro con tus fotos!!

Anne Ueland ha dicho que…
Fantastic art, love it :D
Lorena G. Sims ha dicho que…
The question mark is really cool!
Kaya ha dicho que…
Leovi, tomorrow I will not be able to leave a comment but today I sill have time to say a few words about this image. It's extremely powerful and you can interpret it as you want. Yes, there is a question or questions in this image. And there is no answers because there is no answer to be considered an answer. I also see a cross ( perhaps it's only me) on the chain in this image in the top right corner. Anyway, you made me think...

Fabulous and extremely complicated image!!!!!!! Everything is fantastic here; colors, composition and the idea.

Wow!!!!!! I am very impressed. And this is my favorite image!!!!

A hug and my warm wishes to you!
AFRICA EM POESIA ha dicho que…
Me encanta tu Arte...
BELEZA grande...
gostava de te fazer companhia numa tua exposição...

. ha dicho que…
Pregunta a flote :)
Inger ha dicho que…
Spectacular photos. And thanks so much for your compliments about mine. I feel honored receiving them from someone as talented as you. And then I see some Swedish on your blog, so I'm off to investigate that.--Inger
Anónimo ha dicho que…
I have necer seen your blog before, and i think that what you create is great,really!! all these colours and form... it´s wonderfull!! congratuleision for a very good and original work. Regards. Judith
Doug Hickok ha dicho que…
As is sometimes the case, a question is hidden in the abstract, yet the answer maybe even more obscure. Another creative gem from Leovi.
Kala ha dicho que…
Gorgeous colors AND light.
Wow... very beautiful photo....
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Abstract art is a lot of thinking and not many answers
That is what makes it so exciting
Wonderful colors!

En kram
Marty ha dicho que…
this question is just gorgeous !
have a nice day leovi
Teté M. Jorge ha dicho que…
Essa imagem tem cor e sabor fora do comum... me encanta muita!

MIMOSA ha dicho que…
Si las preguntas nadaran entre burbujas, quizás el estallarlas diera lugar a las respuestas, ¿no crees?
Bella pregunta la que nos muestras.
Besos y feliz largo fin de semana
Anónimo ha dicho que…
The colors are wonderful. Delicious in fact. And the question mark? Is it there or isn't it? I love the mystery!
José Ramón ha dicho que…
Leovi interesante trabajo este que nos muestra.

Un Cordial Saludo desde Creatividad e imaginación fotos de José Ramón
Eva Magallanes ha dicho que…
Muy sugerente, siento la Interioridad... nuestros cuerpos al interior... siento agua... siento el Origen... del cosmos y de cada ser, ahora y siempre.
Nada de disparatado, sin Cézanne difícil es concebir el Cubismo, Picasso estudió sus teorías y le admiró.
Mi cariño para ti
forgetmenot ha dicho que…
Lovely color and design within your photo. I don't know how you do what you do, but it is amazing. It is interesting how much just color, form, texture, etc. in an abstract form can affect one. Lovely work. Happy Easter. Mickie :)
brbulka.g ha dicho que…
Excellent abstract ... beautifully playful ... wonderful colors ... story ... :-)
Madeinja ha dicho que…
Ciekawe w formie i kolorystyce.
Lubię takie kolory.
Roger Owen Green ha dicho que…
quirky, for sure
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Sylvia K ha dicho que…
Terrific as always! Perfect one for the day. Love the colors! Enjoy!

ABC Team
Rajesh ha dicho que…
Wow! amazing.
Vicki/Jake ha dicho que…
Splendid Little Stars ha dicho que…
Wow! This is fantastic!! my favorite yet!
anitamombanita ha dicho que…
very clever!
Susan Anderson ha dicho que…
I LOVE this one. Wish I had a print of it.

Jenny ha dicho que…
Quite brilliant!

Quite beautiful!

Quite jaw-dropping!

As always!

Thanks for sharing.


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