Foto Abstracta 1080 Feliz 2011

Fotos abstractas realizadas en soporte analógico durante el siglo XX. Fotografía abstracta digital durante el Siglo XXI. El objetivo es conseguir una aproximación a las artes plásticas con motivos abstractos. Photos performed in abstract analogical in the twentieth century. Digital abstract photography during the XXI Century. The objective is to an approach to the arts.
Many greetings Sabine
a Happy New Year
and 2011
become the year of
Mental and physical health!
°º ♫°° ♫♫ Feliz Ano Novo!!!!...
° ·. •*• ♫
Brasil °º♫
° ·.
Herzlich Ratafia
bella :)
Felíz Año !
Gitana ♥
Groetjes Von
A ver si nos dejan en paz...
Un abrazo.
I wish you a happy new year .... Greetings
Je te souhaite le meilleur !
Um abraço
Good luck with your beautiful abstracts 2011!
E que sejamos felizes!
Feliz Ano Novo!
Wishing YOU Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
Hood Photo Blog
me encanta esa textura.
feliz 2011
Happy New Year to you too!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year
Happy New Year!!!
Be happy!!!
I hope you have a very happy and healthy 2011.
I wish you an inspiring and creative 2011,
warm greetings, xxx Sas
Thank you for stimulating our imaginations with your amazing abstracts throughout the year - look forward to many more in 2011. Happy New Year !
Saludos y un abrazo.
Happy New Year! Much joy to you in 2011!
in sunshine and rain
Happy New Year
Bisous, 2011 bisous
Greetings from Sweden! :-)
Je te souhaite une année 2011 pleine d'inspiration !!!
Saúde e realizações.
E obrigada por compartilhar esse seu trabalho que é fabuloso!
Thank you for 2010!
I wish you a happy, healthy year!
Best regards from Romania!
daily athens