Fotos Abstractas 1516 - 1517 - 1518 - 1519 - 1520 Primavera 6 - Spring 6


La sonrisa de Hiperion ha dicho que…
Flores del medio día...

Saludos y buen sábado.
Betty Manousos ha dicho que…
Hola Leovi,

another fantastic set of images!

very uplifting and delightful!

great colour harmony and concept!

congrats Leovi!

un abrazo,

Cristina Deboni ha dicho que…
La felicità di irradia dalle tue creazioni e composizioni floreali. Colori tenui e varietà rendono le foto meravigliose! Complimenti!
Ciao e buon sabato! Cri : )
Deborah ha dicho que…
Look for the insects! Beautiful capture of the veins of petals and membrane.
✿France✿ ha dicho que…
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Bonjour Leovi, magnifique ensoleillement; à bientôt:thibault
Anónimo ha dicho que…
Magnifica ... Un abrazo desde Portugal, un buen fin de semana Leovi
Maia ha dicho que…
Beautiful work!
The colors and light are amazing in all your shots.
Marty ha dicho que…
I really love all your spring creations ! the colours are just
beautiful !
have a nice weekend
Cildemer ha dicho que…
Wow! Que maravillosas fotos!
Muchas gracias por compartilhar, Leovi;o)

Un abrazo y feliz fin de semana****
Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. ha dicho que…
Love the third image where the transparent flowers seem to be floating, unattached to anything, in the air. Magic!
Lorraine ha dicho que…
Stunning ephemereal..lovely as always :)
Unknown ha dicho que…
Beautiful. Do you put flowers to the lighttable and take a picture or do you put them to the scanner or what:)
Pietrincanto ha dicho que…
Magia da Inês ha dicho que…
Voltei para admirar suas fotografias...
Seu jardim abstrato está maravilhoso... encantador.
。˚ ˚ ˛✿
Sabine Gimm ha dicho que…
Wonderful flowers.
Greetings Sabine
dianne ha dicho que…
Gorgeous images dear Leovi, your Spring flowers are so colourful and I love the delicate transparency of the petals.

Besos xoxoxo ♡
Linda ha dicho que…
Beautiful shot, great colors!! :)
Luis Gomez ha dicho que…
Bellisima primavera!
Meera Rao ha dicho que…
These are very beautiful--I love how the light comes through. Gorgeous mix of color and light (and the bug!)
Mingingi des prairies ha dicho que…
Il se dégage de ces photos comme une grande chaleur, elles m'évoquent les moissons, les blés chauffés par le soleil...

Carmela ha dicho que…
Leovi, son maravillosas, todas. Cada una tiene un algo diferente que enamoran.
¿es un escarabajo? el que posa entre las flores.
Splendido lavoro come sempre!! Io lo porto sulla mia bacheca di FB ciao buon WE
Kaya ha dicho que…
Leovi, these images are very inspiring and very enjoyable to look at them. A pure pleasure!!! They are stunningly beautiful and colorful and so many different colors. And light, a heavenly light just sets your mood perfectly for the day!!!!

And so many different flowers. The dance of flowers.....

I love these images very much and I can look and look at them.

Beautiful art, Leovi!!!!!

A hug.
Graywolfie ha dicho que…
Oh nice..I like the last 2 photos..
Anónimo ha dicho que…
What wonderfully lovely creations!
Indrani ha dicho que…
So fit for all the memes. Beautiful creations.
That first picture is particularly beautiful - love it!

Duncan In Kuantan
Valeria ha dicho que…
Me encantan este tipo de imagenes, como hojas secas llenas de textura y color.
Cezar and Léia ha dicho que…
You are a great artist, congratulations!
Love your serie de primavera! :)
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg
Olga Ricci ha dicho que…
La luz es increíble, Leovi...primaveral y colorida fotografía con el toque especial que te caracteriza!
Saluos australes!
S. Oró ha dicho que…
La serie es preciosa, los colores me gustan mucho como siempre una buena combinación. Buen finde.....Saludos.
peggy gatto ha dicho que…
Your art work is beautiful!!!
The flowers are my favorites!
I enjoyed my visit!
Unknown ha dicho que…
Another great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Alex J. Cavanaugh ha dicho que…
Dried flowers? Very nice!
magda ha dicho que…
Wonderful work Leovi!!!
Very nice colors, congratulations!!!
Un abrazo
Chubskulit Rose ha dicho que…
Such a beautiful post!

Camera Critters at my page. Have a great weekend!
Madalina Dascalu ha dicho que…
the 1st one: my favorite, really nice work, congrats
Mª Angeles B. ha dicho que…
Hojas y flores secas nos muestras hoy en tus composiciones, como siempre preciosas.

Costantino ha dicho que…
Immagini fantastiche,colori primaverili.
ÍndigoHorizonte ha dicho que…
Este año la primavera pasó de puntillas para mí pero, cuando paso por aquí, me envuelven sus colores. Gracias.
Jesús Cuenca ha dicho que…
BELLA primavera donde la luz a modo de radiografía, nos muestra el armazón de las flores, lo interior tambien se ve, entre gamas de azules, naranjas y amarillos. Paseando iré hasta la 5 la primavera húmeda. Saludos
Abela ha dicho que…
Estas fotografías son increiblemente bellas ¡todas! geniales tu forma especial de ver la naturaleza ¿no?. Un saludo
Ana Estrada ha dicho que…
Nunca había visto la primavera de esta modo y me gusta, sí señor.
Gracias por permitirnos disfrutar con tus originales creaciones. Un saludo.
Photos by Stan ha dicho que…
Bravo! Simply marvelous set of images!! I'm wondering whether these were made by using a scanner as a camera. I attended a lecture/demonstration of just that, and it was amzing to see the quality of images that could be generated. Whatever the case -- stunning work.
Carolina ha dicho que…
Leovi, me encanta la delicadeza primaveral de su nueva exposicion. Saludos.
LV ha dicho que…
You have done it again. As always, stunning pieces of work.
EG CameraGirl ha dicho que…
I like your creativity here!
SquirrelQueen ha dicho que…
I look forward to seeing your abstracts each week. I love the soft blues in this set, the middle one is my favorite.
Oakland Daily Photo ha dicho que…
A lovely, nontraditional way of demonstrating the delicacy of flowers.
George ha dicho que…
Thank you for creating another set of beautiful Spring blossoms to share with us.
Modern Mom ha dicho que…
Very creative. Lovely shots!

My entry.
Unknown ha dicho que…
vuElve vuelve primavera... hermoso lo que hiciste con esa flores MARAVILLOSO

chaill ha dicho que…
primavera: bella, mi son piaciute le foto di questa serie, che stavolta ha anche un ospite!

Ormai ci sta salutando e anch'io ti auguro felice domenica con

Anónimo ha dicho que…
You really know how to create spring feeling
Beauty and Magic for the Senses
I love it!

En kram
Laura ha dicho que…
I love the translucent effect you have achieved with the flower petals Leovi...just lovely.
Val ha dicho que…
Channal ha dicho que…
DeniseinVA ha dicho que…
Exquisite images, real works of art. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Berit ha dicho que…
Very beautiful work from you Leovi.
The third one became my favorite:)
Have a nice week:)
B i r g i t t a ha dicho que…
Love the little beetle on the blue flower :)
Teté M. Jorge ha dicho que…
Eu adorei esse seu trabalho! Tão delicado, tão "cheiroso" e charmoso.

Um beijo imenso!
Boa semana.
Tootsie ha dicho que…
thank you so much for linking into my little party. I hope you will again soon...your photos are fabulous!
Photos by Stan ha dicho que…
Wonderful, wonderful images! Your unique style is immediately recognizable-- just fantastic. Bravo!
C. ha dicho que…
Love this botanical series, Leovi!
brbulka.g ha dicho que…
Meadow ... scented summer ... invite you to ramble ... excellent photo ... :-)
real lady ha dicho que…
you have a very creative shots. i love the way you colors are blended. Fabulous!
libbyquilter ha dicho que…
love the bottom two~!!~like visiting a whole different world and one that is quite magical~!!!~

what lovely abstract photograpy you do as well~!


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